Oct 27: David Rovics Benefit Concert for Marie Mason

David Rovics Benefit Concert for Marie Mason
October 27th, 7:30pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
4605 Cass Ave, Detroit MI
$10 (light meal included)

On October 27th, activist and singer/songwriter David Rovics will be performing in Detroit to raise much needed support funds for political prisoner Marie Mason.  If you are in the Detroit area, check out this great event and bring as many of your friends with you!

If you are not near Detroit, you can look into organizing a benefit show with David through his website at http://davidrovics.com/organizeShow.php.  David is a long time friend and supporter of Marie, talking about her case regularly on tour as well as writing the song, Marie for her.   Learn more about David Rovics and his upcoming “No Fracking Way” Tour at www.davidrovics.com.