“Southeast Greenland Polar Bears” by Marius Mason
Marius writes: “I came across this hopeful article in Science that announced a discovery of a small population of polar bears in Greenland (only a few hundred individuals), who had managed to learn some very different hunting strategies and some…
Painting of Violet
Marius made this painting of a friend on his block, prior to his transfer. Violet has since been released. Welcome home Violet!
Watercolor by Marius
A friend here passed on The New Yorker magazine with a story about Chase Strangio. Marius
Portrait: Harry and Harriette Moore
Painting done with coffee – chalk rubbing for background. “…Harry and Harriette Moore were early civil rights workers, and sadly, were bombed and killed because of their work. NPR did a feature story on them and on the case implicating…
MARIUS HAS MOVED (same address)
Statement from Marius and recent paintings done at his now former unit: Dear Friends and Family, I don’t write very often, as much of my life in the past few years has not seemed very news-worthy…I have been trying…
Photo and Painting
Marius sent a friend and supporter a new photo of himself and a recent painting of his. About the painting: “This painting was done from a photo in the New York Times, taken in 2008. The couple, Phyllis Lyon and…
Editha Dorothea (Life After FSL)
New painting from Marius depicting a former bunkmate on his unit. Marius writes: “Editha Dorthea (or Edie, as we called her) was my bunkie here for a time. She got a compassionate release, thank goodness, and went back to Michigan…