
What lies within, still ties without One flowing through one From one into another A filament of Spirit Spun spider fine And finite Just enough to touch us all. Tying tiny threads of possibility Tangling in the warp and woof…


An evening like this: summer sunset cricket song, peachy sky reaching up the vaulted ceiling, cathedral clouds clouds shaped like mountains along the Yangtze River improbable, fairy-tale bubble domes, drifting closer stilling to stalagmites all along the stretched horizon quickly…


stagger drunkenly towards truth meaning circles in a dervish spiral spinning, coming closer to the center reaching out to grasp the bigger picture beneath this night sky, blackened and still blanketed with stars what hand moved this chaos into beauty?…


I am filled with the need to do something sensible I am filled with the dread of the perceived inevitable I am fired with the passion of a love unconquerable I am filled with the poetry that runs a blood…


“Refuse no one the good on which he has a claim when it is in your power to do it for him.” Book of Proverbs, Bible “Refuse none help that cry for it” And it is celebrated virtue So exhorted…