From Marie, “So these three paintings go together as a triptych. It’s a short meditation on gender as biology or social construct. The first panel is “Female” with an ovary bursting an egg towards an animated fallopian tube. The…
Whale Watching Painting
New Paintings by Marie
Marie continues to offer to the world beautiful and thoughtful art. Here are three of her most recent pieces.
Disappearing Tiger
Desert Lizard Painting by Marie Mason
“A friend of mine sent me a really lovely photo of this desert lizard as she let me know that she was heading out for her Pacific Trail hike. I hope she has an easier time than the author Cheryl Strayed…
“Titanic” by Marie Mason
Titanic A hundred years of stories and it’s not enough To mark a date, They will dredge the blue depths And spare no expense. (not for charity, make a note not for Sudan’s needed grain, not Haiti’s medicine) But gain….…
Marie Mason Painting- Sea Nettles Take Over
“I was reading some recent articles about the long term effects of overfishing (besides the obvious decimation of many breeds of fish) and many marine biologists are noting the expansion of jellyfish everywhere in the ocean. These sea nettles were even…
New Watercolor Painting by Marie Mason: Bristlecone Pine
New Painting by Marie Mason
Here is a painting recently done by Marie. For more of her artwork and writings, be sure to check out her
Entropy- A poem by Marie Mason
(Entropy) What do you see In this Winter face? The imminent decomposition of the unbeautiful? Even so, even in that I see that all my pieces Have their own story. My hands have worked a brand of Entropy That is…