Marie’s arraignment was today. She was granted release on a $75,000 unsecured bond pending pre-trial services setting up an electronic tether. She is restricted to the Western District of Michigan and may have no contact with anyone whom, to her knowledge, is or ever was involved in criminal activity related to environmental causes. She will also face other travel restrictions. We realize this requires some explanation.
As to the “unsecured bond”, this means that no money is required up front but that Marie agrees to appear in court or else face the penalty of paying $75,000. The electronic tether is as yet unclear. The full
implications of the other travel restrictions are as yet unclear other than the fact that she will need approval of pre-trial services to travel anywhere outside of the Western District of Michigan. Right now Marie is being held until the electronic tether is established and then she will be released. She has a place to stay in Western Michigan already.
We understand and appreciate that there are a lot of folks out there who care about Marie and wish to be in touch with her. Nevertheless, we all must be considerate and careful to act in Marie’s best interest. Due to the restrictions of the bond, we are asking that no one attempt to contact Marie directly. If you wish to be in contact with Marie, please E-MAIL us and give us your contact information and we will pass it along.
We would also like to address another issue that has been of some importance lately. We (Got Your Back) deal with a huge number of e-mails and phone calls on a daily basis. The release of our phone numbers to certain individuals was done on basis of necessity. If we have given you our phone contacts, please do not release them to anyone without consulting us. If you wish to be in contact with us or to ask a general question, please email us.
We have received many emails requesting information related to Frank Ambrose. We have not been in contact with Frank since his indictment, and we do not support him in any way. We will continue to release all relevant information as it becomes available.
In the Struggle,
Got Your Back
Friends of Marie Mason
P.O. Box 19065
Cincinnati, OH 45219