Solidarity is a Weapon! It is our responsibility as individuals and as a movement to do everything we can to support our friends and comrades who remain strong in the face of state oppression. Download our new zine, chock full of tips, pointers, and info regarding…
Download & Distro Marie’s New Support Flyer!
You can now download a half-page general support flyer for Marie here!
How you can help Midwest Green Scare Defendant Marie Mason prepare for trial
We have received word of a tentative trail date for Marie in early August. With the possibility of a trial only a few months away please keep in mind that time is of the utmost importance with the following request.…
Further harrasment of Marie Mason supporters
We would like to make Marie’s friends and close supporters aware that recently individuals who have gone to visit Marie in Michigan have been pulled over for the most minor traffic violations by local law enforcement. A situation that should…
Support Marie Mason!
Marie Mason was arrested and charged with ELF activities in Michigan dating back almost a decade. As many of you already know Marie has since been released on an unsecured bond and has been under house arrest for over a month now awaiting…
FBI harassment of Marie Supporters
It has come to our attention that the F.B.I. are actively attempting to contact people involved in support work for these defendants. We would like to remind everyone that they are under no obligation whatsoever to speak with law enforcement…
Midwest Green Scare: Marie Mason released/preparing for trial
We are happy to report that despite a mind numbing amount of red tape and drama from the probation dept. and the associated electronic tether, Marie was released from jail Tuesday. She is under house arrest at a relative’s house…
Marie Mason Arraignment Update
Marie’s arraignment was today. She was granted release on a $75,000 unsecured bond pending pre-trial services setting up an electronic tether. She is restricted to the Western District of Michigan and may have no contact with anyone whom, to her…
Frank Ambrose Pleads Guilty and agrees to cooperate with Federal Authorities
We have just been made aware that Frank Ambrose, one of Marie Mason’s co-indictees has plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit Arson. Page 10 point 7 of Franks plea agreement states in part that “The defendant agrees…
3/18/08 – **Update** Marie Mason
#mce_temp_url#We were able to see Marie on Sunday, March 16 for the first time since her arrest. We use the word ‘see’ loosely as her two 20 minute visits per week at Butler County Jail are conducted via video conferencing. This means that…